Environmental Monitoring Solution Systems – Enviromon


When you have numerous servers on-premise for your business, heat and power will be some of your primary concerns. A single server can generate quite a bit of heat, and when combining several together with other equipment in a closed room, things can heat up quickly.

This post will show you how to calculate server room air conditioning and how to calculate server room heat load.

If you are in the beginning stages of planning a server room or scaling up your operations; you will want to make sure to take into account how much heat will be generated and how you can best cool it to prevent malfunctions and damaged hardware.

To start off you should ask yourself:

How much heat does a single server generate?

How much power and electricity will be required to cool my server room?

What will the cost be the yearly costs?

By knowing how much heat your servers produce, you will know how to calculate server room cooling to properly maintain the environment for your servers which is critical to keeping your business online and productive.

At Enviromon we have made it our mission to help IT professionals and businesses owners like you save money and prevent avoidable disasters from environmental factors that threaten your critical business assets.

For these reasons we have developed these this server BTU and cooling calculator to help you plan and prepare proper cooling for your server rooms.

Advanced Server Heat Load Calculator

Use the heat load calculator below to estimate the electrical and cooling costs of up to 3 types of servers or devices and determine the estimated heat load that will be required to be handled by your ac unit.

Note: The example calculations are based on a single server using 2.4 Amp 230 Volt appliance for 24hrs 365 days a year. You may adjust the calculations below to suit your specific servers.


You will want to take the calculations above as estimates to give you a good idea of what your needs will be. Consider the final Total BTU Tons (per hour) figure when purchasing an air conditioner for your server room, or when adding additional equipment, as your unit will need to be able to handle the calculated heat load hourly in order to maintain the temperature needed.

A typical portable air conditioner unit will process around 12,000 BTU’s, which translates to 1 TON BTUs per hour, whereas larger precision air conditioners will be able to handle ranges above 2.5 Tons or more.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, safeguarding your server rooms with cutting-edge environmental sensors is paramount. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of your server infrastructure. By booking a free consultation with us, you open the door to a tailored solution that not only meets but exceeds your environmental monitoring needs.

For more information about these calculations be sure to check out Edwin Weijdema’s Post at VMGuru and the folks at InterNetworking

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